Your Reason Why for Getting a Hot Body… Or Any Other Goal

You need a powerful reason why in order to motivate yourself to do what’s necessary to reach your goals. The more reasons you have the better. Try to vividly imagine what it would be like when you achieve your goal. How will you feel? How will it change your life in different situations?

Beautiful women are a big reason why for most guys.

Because goal achievement comes down to doing small step after small step, you have to be motivated to do these incremental advances towards your goal even though there is no short term or immediate gratification. It is easier to do something fun right now than work hard in order to experience something fantastic a little bit later. This applies everywhere – work, dieting, training, etc. But it shouldn’t be like that.

Strong emotional motivators come into play here. You have to imagine in bright colors and feel with all senses how it would feel to have achieved your goal.

Looking Good at the Beach on Your Vacation

Going for a nice relaxing vacation (or a crazy party trip) will feel that much better if you are super fit. Guys could take their shirts of and show off and girls will feel hot and sexy at the beach in their bikinis. You just can’t lose when you are in top shape at an exotic place.

thailand paradise beach
Nothing like feeling fantastic in your skin for that dream vacation.

Sports Domination

I enjoy basketball and martial arts. While I do not compete in fighting (I only train for fun), I do play pick up basketball at least once a week. During the summer I do it as often as possible. Being fitter for basketball for me would mean being lighter and stronger.

I would be faster on my first step and on fast breaks. I would jump higher, both because of lower body weight and body fat and because of increased strength in my posterior chain muscles.

Looking Good In Bed Every Night

I have a favorite quote by accomplished bodybuilder Clarence Bass – “Nothing tastes as good as being lean feels.” It sums it everything up.

Enjoying your healthy and attractive body all day (and night!) long far outweighs the 5 minute joy of goring down on some fast food junk. Every time you get naked you will feel better – be that in bed with your girl (or man – sorry ladies lol) or while taking a shower.

Feeling Great in Hip Clothes Every Day

When you are fit and you buy clothes that are just the right size, you will look and feel great. Whether it is jeans or suits, everything simply clicks better. For example, polo shirts hug your upper arms when you are well built and pants are comfortable when you are fit and lean.

The Casino Royale trailer. Check out how clothes, when they are the correct size, look awesome on a fit guy like Bond.

Being Healthy, Fit and Full of Energy

I guess for some of the younger guys this won’t ring, but feeling good and full of energy is a big thing for me.

Actually, ever since I started lifting weights and eating right, I stopped getting sick so often.

Looking Good at Pool Parties All Summer Long

There is no rule you can sun bathe and swim only on a vacation. You can have fun outdoors all summer long – going water skiing, sun bathing, having pool parties and going for early morning swims at outdoor pools. All these in a hot body.

I train with my shirt off all summer long at my local playground – doing pullups and dips and stuff and enjoying the sun.

pool party babe
Looking good by the pool never hurts…

Now, what are your reasons for getting in top shape? Share them here or at least list them for yourself somewhere. I promise it will make a difference.

Babes and beaches by Christopher René Vincent